RPh NOW uses peer-to-peer technology to connect pharmacists and pharmacy technicians with pharmacies that request them on an as-needed basis. Just like other peer-to-peer apps the pharmacy requests the services of other users that will cover staffing needs. It doesn't matter if you are fully employed and want to make some extra money on your day off or just looking to work a few hours a week. RPh NOW is free for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians with no hidden charges or fees. You just accept a shift and show up!

* Available on iPhone, iPad and all Android devices.
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Benefits to Pharmacists

You will be notified when a shift is available

Work at your convenience

Get paid at the end of your shift

Benefits for the Pharmacy

  • Find a pharmacist

  • View all posted shifts

  • Manage multiple pharmacies

  • Low fee, pay the pharmacist directly at the end of the shift

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Our features

RPh NOW is available for all devices

* Available on iPhone, iPad and all Android devices

Contact us

If you would like more information about our app, please send us an email or complete the form. We will reach out as soon as possible. Thanks for your interest in our product, we are confident it will be very helpful.